European Hyperloop Symposium

The Event:
Date upcoming
Representation of the State
of Lower Saxony to the European Union
Rue Montoyer 61, 1000 Brussels
Registration Date: Announcement in Newsletter
No conference fees

We gratefully acknowledge the ministry for science and culture for funding the European Hyperloop Symposium
The Symposium:
Transportation is heavily challenged by global phenomena such as population growth, urbanization and climate change which lead to contrasting needs of providing more frequent and faster connections while reducing emissions. Among the new transport modes proposed, the Hyperloop is an emerging concept for mid/long-distance travels as a carbon-free alternative to airplanes and as a complement to the railway network both in preserving investments already completed and planned and in unlocking the full economic and social development of the areas not yet served by premium transport modes. The Hyperloop is a guided mode of transport that operates magnetically levitating vehicles running at sonic speed (at their maximum speed) within a low-pressure tube. Such a concept is set to rely exclusively on renewable sources like solar energy also leveraging the extension of the linear infrastructure as a whole. We invite you to submit an abstract to the First European Hyperloop Symposium 2020. The symposium will include invited keynotes and give a chance to focus on European potentials for the next generation of transportation.
Hyperloop Pod Competition
Gabriele Semino – Research Assistant at Technical University of Munich
Innovation in Hyperloop Technology
Keynote: Mars Geuze, Co-Founder Hardt Hyperloop, Delft
Networking lunch
Hyperloop – Saving our climate
Keynote: Barbara Lenz – Head of Institute of Transport Research – German Aerospace Center, Berlin
Concluding remarks
Conference chairs:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schüning
Conference Organization:
Session Chair: Mars Geuze, Co-Founder Hardt Hyperloop, Delft
Session Chair: Barbara Lenz, Head of Institut of Transport Research, DLR Berlin
Management: Lukas Eschment (Symposium) & Phillip Zürn (Reception)
Evening Event location:
The minister of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony Björn Thümler cordially invites you to the presentation of the European Hyperloop Research Facility (EU HyTeC) in the State Representation of Lower Saxony.
The Tracks:
Introduction – Winning the Hyperloop Pod Competition
Gabriele Semino – Research Assistant at Technical University of Munich
- Innovation in Hyperloop Technology
Keynote: Mars Geuze – Co-Founder Hardt Hyperloop, Delft
+ contributions
- Hyperloop – Saving the climate
Keynote: Barbara Lenz – Head of Institute of Transport Research – German Aerospace Center, Berlin
+ contributions
Call for Contributions!
Hand in an abstract for one of the following Tracks:
1. Innovations in Hyperloop Technology
exemplary topics include:
System Control
2. Hyperloop – Saving the climate
exemplary topics include:
Environment and Energy
Multimodal mobility
Goods Transportation
Passenger Traffic
Important Information:
- Submission Deadline: to be announced
- Acception Decision: to be announced
- Symposium: upcoming
- Title
- Author information
- 200-word abstract for technical review
- Keywords
- hand in your abstract:
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